The 2nd PNA Implementing Arrangement established Minimum Terms and Conditions for fishing in PNA waters which is now the applicable across the Pacific Islands.

The PNA 1st Implementing Arrangement began as a regional fishing vessel register. This was later followed by development of a Vessel Monitoring System (VMS). Under the VMS, all licensed fishing vessels are required to fit an Automatic Location Communicator which monitors the vessel's position, speed, and course. In this way, fishing vessels are electronically monitored 24/7.

The 3rd PNA Implementing Arrangement, signed in May 2008: * decreed fishing vessels will no longer be allowed to fish in high seas pockets as a condition of their licenses * banned Fishing Aggregating Devices (FADs, a device used to attract tuna which often results in the capture of juvenile fish) by purse seine fishing vessels for set time periods * introduced catch retention (to stop dumping of lower value tuna overboard purse seine fishing vessels)

PNA is now seeking to recruit a Chief Financial Officer (CFO) in the PNA Head Office.  

As a key member of the Senior Executive Management Team, the CFO will report to the Chief Executive Officer (CEO.)

The CFO will have primary day-to day responsibility for accounting, financial reporting, budgeting and cash management of PNA.

In addition, the CFO is responsible for

The Palau Arrangement for the Management of the Western Pacific Fishery provides the framework for Parties to adopt management measures pertaining inter alia to the regulation of effort, capacity and seasonal and area closures for their tuna fishery. It provides the legal basis through which the Purse Seine and Longline Vessel Day Schemes have been established to provide limits and increase the economic returns from the tuna fishery.


The Federated States of Micronesia, the Republic of Kiribati, the Republic of the Marshall Islands, the Republic of Nauru, the Republic of Palau, the Independent State of Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands and Tuvalu:

TAKING into account the work of the Third United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea;

The Pacific Islands Forum Fisheries Agency (FFA) is implementing the Ocean Partnerships for Sustainable Fisheries and Biodiversity Conservation Project (OPP) in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean region. OPP is financed by the World Bank with funds provided by the Global Environment Facility.
FFA intends to use OPP funds to commission a series of studies on behalf of, and in collaboration with, the Parties to the Nauru Agreement(PNA) to consider the use of fish aggregating devices (FADs) by industrial fleets fishing in PNA zones and whether not PNA

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Skipjack prices in Bangkok have reached between $1,950 and $1,970 per metric ton, a slight increase since the end of June.
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Tuna prices have risen continuously since April from USD $1,500 mt in Bangkok to USD $1,950 mt, a high that has not been seen for three years.

The high market price is attributed to low WCPO catch rates that have resulted in lower skipjack volume coming to Bangkok, coupled with strong demand from processors.

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